Monday, August 26, 2013

Blogville: Population +1

I'm entering the blogging world after years of resistance to satisfy a course requirement for my Master's degree in Library Science. This being the last class of my last semester of the last degree I will probably ever get from a college or university (two degrees should have been enough), it seems like the right thing to do.

Don't get me wrong, I love blogs. I love to read them, I love to repost ridiculously cute photos of kittens from them, and who doesn't love a good Tumblr page of animated GIFs? But as a survivor of the LiveJournal, nay the Diaryland generation, you can understand my hesitance to rejoin the ranks of amateur writers on the web. But hey, if Wil Wheaton can re-launch a career based on his Internet bloggings, maybe there's hope for me yet.